Right to Information Right to Information

Right to Information

Information about the Embassy of India, Lomé, Required Under Section 4(1)(B) of the RTI Act, 2005


The particulars of its organization, functions and duties;

Embassy of India is headed by Ambassador and has the following Wings: Administration Wing, Commerce Wing, Consular Wing,

Education Wing and Political Wing.

The functions of the Embassy inter alia, include political and economic cooperation, trade and investment promotion, cultural interaction, press and media liaison, and cooperation in bilateral and multilateral contexts.

Embassy functions within the purview of business allocated to the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) under the Government of India’s (GOI) Allocation of Business (AoB) Rules and Transaction of Business (ToB) Rules.

Vision: To implement the foreign policy objectives of the MEA;

Mission: To enhance the friendly relations between India and Togolese Republic;

Key objectives: Political and Economic Cooperation, Trade and Investment Promotion, Cultural Interaction, Press and Media Liaison, Cooperation, Welfare of Indian Community Members.

Organisation Chart : https://www.embassyofindialome.gov.in/eoilome_pages/Mw,,



The powers and duties of its officers and employees;

Embassy of India is headed by Ambassador and has the following wings:

Administration, Commerce, Consular,

Education and Political.

Embassy functions within the purview of business allocated to the MEA under the GOI’s AoB Rules and ToB Rules.

General Administrative and Financial powers are exercised by the Ambassador and Head of Chancery. Drawing and Disbursing Officer powers are exercised as per procedure.

General Administrative powers are derived from IFS (PLCA) Rules, as amended from time to time. Financial powers of the Officers of the Embassy of India have been detailed in the Delegated Financial powers of the Government of India’s Representatives Abroad.

Other powers and duties are derived from Passport Act and Rules, Visa and Consular manuals. RTI Act. General Financial Rules (GFR). Other Government of India Rules and Regulations are also applicable.

The Officers of the Embassy function under the guidance and supervision of the Ambassador.

'Click here', please find attached the latest Allocation of Work amongst India-based personnel of the Embassy.


The procedure followed in the decision-making process, including channels of supervision and


Decisions are taken under the instruction and supervision of the Ambassador.

Ambassador is the final decision-making authority subject to rules framed by the MEA and GOI.

IFS (PLCA) Rules, Delegated Financial Powers of the Government of India’s Representative Abroad. Passport Act and Rules, Visa and Consular Manuals, RTI Act. GFR and other Government of India Rules are also applicable.

Each official is responsible for the work allotted to him/her for correctness of rules and regulations and analysis of facts under the guidance and supervision of Wing Officer with overall supervision of Ambassador.


The norms set by it for

Norms are set under the instruction and supervision of the Ambassador within the

framework set by MEA.

The functions of the Embassy inter alia include political and economic cooperation, multilateral cooperation, trade and investment promotion, cultural interaction, press and media liaison, welfare of Indian community etc.

Services offered: Consular, Passport and Visa Service, Responding to Trade Queries, etc.

There are numerous procedures, guidelines and regulations applicable to different functions and services rendered by the


Various forms and procedure to obtain the services are available on the website of the Mission.

There are various mechanisms in place for the redressal of grievances including consular camps by directly contacting the Mission and/or through portals like Madad, CP gram etc. For more details, please go to



The rules, regulations, instructions, manuals and records, held by it or under its control or used by its employees for discharging its


IFS PLCA rules and Annexures,

Delegated Financial Powers of Government of India’s Representatives Abroad Rules, Passport Act and Rules, Manuals on Office Procedures, Consular and Visa manuals, GFR,

Compendium of Rules on local staff, Flag code, Fundamental Rules/Supplementary

Rules, Service rules, Income Tax Rules,

Other Government Rules and Manuals published by GOI


A statement of the categories of documents that are held by it or under its control;

Files relating to India’s relations with Togo, including joint statements, declarations,

agreements and Memorand of


Passport and consular services application forms.

Head of Wings are the custodian of documents and files pertaining to their wings.


The particulars of any arrangement that exists for consultation with, or representation by, the members of the public in relation to the formulation of its policy or implementation


Embassy of India functions within the norms of India’s foreign policy formulated by the MEA. Policy is implemented by the Embassy under the guidance and supervision of the Ambassador.

Embassy interacts regularly with various stake holders.


A statement of the boards, councils, committees and other bodies consisting of two or more persons constituted as its part or for the purpose of its advice, and as to whether meetings of those boards, councils, committees and other bodies are open to the public, or the minutes of such meetings are accessible for public;

There are no Boards or Councils at the Embassy. Different committees as prescribed are constituted from time to time.


A directory of its officers and


Embassy Officials details can be seen at



The monthly remuneration received by each of its officers and employees, including the system of compensation as provided in its


As per the Government of India notifications from time to time.

'Click here',the attached document relating to monthly remuneration may please be uploaded.


The budget allocated to each of its agency, indicating the particulars of all plans, proposed expenditures and reports on

disbursements made;

As per allocations made by the Government of India from time to time.

In the Embassy of India, Lomé during the

Financial Year 2023-24, against a budget of Rs.6,32,27,000/-, total expenditure was Rs.6,34,14,505/-

Monthly cash account and Progressive Expenditure statements are submitted each month to the Principal Chief Controller of Accounts, Ministry of External Affairs.


The manner of execution of subsidy programmes, including the amounts allocated and the details of beneficiaries of such programmes;

Embassy of India does not have any subsidy programme.


Particulars of recipients of concessions, permits or authorizations

granted by it;

No concessions/permits Embassy of India.


Details in respect of the information, available to or held by it, reduced in an

electronic form;

The Embassy’s website has the required information.


The particulars of facilities available to citizens for obtaining information, including the working hours of a library or reading room, if maintained for public use;

Library is functional and is open for public during Embassy’s office hours.


The names, designations and other particulars of the Public Information


Central Public Information officer: -

Shri Sanjay Asthana,

Second Secretary

E-mail: hoc[dot]lome[at]mea[dot]gov[dot]in

Tel: (00228) 22262627

First Appellate Authority: -

Shri Sanjiv Tandon,

Ambassador of India

E-mail : amb[dot]lome[at]mea[dot]gov[dot]in

Tel: (00228) 22262627


Such other information as may be prescribed and thereafter update these publications

every year;

The Embassy’s website has information which is updated on regular basis.


Programmes to


understanding of RTI

DOPT publishes the RTI guidelines and circulates to all concerned.


Transfer Policy And

Transfer Orders

Transfers are done by the Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India


CAG and PAC paras and the action taken reports (ATRs) after these have been laid on the table of both houses of the


No such para forms the part of report laid before the Parliament.


Particulars for any arrangement for consultation with or representation by the members of the public in relation to the formulation of policy or implementation there of

Policy formulation lies with the MEA


Arrangements for consultation with or representation by – (a) Members of the public in policy

formulation/policy/imple- mentation, (b) Day & time allotted for visitors, (c) Contact details of Information &

Facilitation Counter (IFC) to provide publications frequently sought by RTI


RTI applicants do not generally seek any

particular publications/documents in this regard.


Are the details of policies / decisions, which affect public, informed to them

Policy making lies with the MEA. All policies and decisions concerning citizens are put in public domain through social media.


Dissemination of information widely and in such form and manner which is easily accessible to the


Embassy of India gives wide publicity to all such matters concerning citizens through website and other social media platforms.


Form of accessibility of information manual / handbook.

Embassy of India does not maintain any such handbook.

Information concerning functioning of Embassy of India and services provided is available on its website


Particulars of facilities available to citizen for obtaining information

Citizens can avail consular and commercial services through electronic means including contacting by telephone in emergency. Information pertaining to Commerce, Consular and Cultural wings is available in public domain. Working hours of the Embassy is from 09.00 to 17.30 hrs from Monday to Friday (except gazetted holidays). List of gazetted holidays can be seen at



Grievance redressal mechanism

Grievances may be redressed through contacting by telephone, email, grievance portal, post, Madad and CP Gram portals. For more details, please go to



Details of applications received under RTI and information


RTI applications have been responded to.


Details of all contracts entered into including name of the contractor, amount of contract and period of completion of contract

Chancery premises and house of officials are leased through contracts.


Receipt & Disposal of RTI applications & appeals

RTI applications received have been disposed.


Replies to questions asked in the


Ministry of External Affairs is responsible for Parliament Questions


Name & details of (a) current CPIOs & FAAs, (b) Earlier CPIO &

FAAs from 1.1.2015

Current Central Public Information officer: -

Shri Sanjay Asthana,

Second Secretary

E-mail : hoc[dot]lome[at]mea[dot]gov[dot]in

Tel: (00228) 22262627

Current First Appellate Authority: -

Shri Sanjiv Tandon,

Ambassador of India

E-mail : amb[dot]lome[at]mea[dot]gov[dot]in

Tel: (00228) 22262627


Item / information disclosed so that public have minimum resort to use of RTI Act to obtain information

Much information is already disclosed.

Additional information is available in the website and can be obtained through emails.


Guidelines for Indian Government Websites (GIGW) is followed

STQC certification is under process, and will be displayed in due course.